Modulo 1 Sviluppo di competenze di base sulla lingua inglese
Modulo 2 Lessico e conversazione base per contesti lavorativi
– unità didattica 1: basic vocabulary for business and workplace;
– unità didattica 2 : consolidation practice using typical and commonly used expressions e.g. introducing oneself and other people. greetings, answering the phone, elementary questions, etc.) use of essential structures and vocabulary in a business or workplace (offices, stores, restaurants, hotels, trade fairs and leisure, etc)
– unità didattica 3 role playing with simulations of typical situations that may occur while abroad. enquiries. writing short messages, business vocabulary for e-mails (formal and informal), how to talk about people, places, express opinions and ask for or give information.
Modulo 3 Esercitazione in lingua inglese
– unità didattica 1: how to look up words and use a dictionary correctly
– unità didattica 2:phonetics.
– unità didattica 3:reading comprehension and developing speaking skills
– unità didattica 4: listening/repeating and commenting dialogues and conversations.
Le iscrizioni al corso sono chiuse.
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