Mod. 1 Diritti e doveri dei lavoratori in somministrazione (4 ore) modulo teorico.
Contenuti come da allegato 12 Vademecum Forma.Temp
Mod. 2 Sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro (4 ore) modulo teorico
Contenuti come da allegato 13 Vademecum Forma.Temp
Mod. 3 Ripasso dei fondamenti di grammatica inglese. (32 ore)
(verbs: present simple of be, present simple affirmative form, present simple questions and negatives, play/do/go + – ing, past simple: regular form, past simple of be, past simple: irregular forms, present continuous, present simple vs present continuous, present continuous vs past simple,present continuous for future, modals; there is/there are; distance and frequency: how far/long/often?; countable and uncountable nouns; much / many, have / have got,like and would like; comparative and superlative forms)
Mod. 4 Vocabolario specifico per contesti lavorativi (40 ore )
daily activities, nationalities, maps and directions, time expressions, company structure, company activities, descriptive adjectives, telephone expressions, dates, customer service department, customer problems and solutions, employment, social and work situations, commercial correspondence.
Mod. 5 Esercitazioni e role playing su conversazioni con potenziali clienti, comunicazioni telefoniche, lettere commerciali (20 ore)
Le iscrizioni al corso sono chiuse.